Power to the player is slogan of one well known store around the country that is specialize in video games and any piece related to gaming .In buck horn plaza next Walmart there is a store called game stop where it considered gaming land where you can find almost every title of games that out there.This game stop surly not the only store that sell video games but it has some perks over other stores.
something unique about any game stop around the country making it different from any other electronic store, three colors green,blue,and white each color stand for gaming platform. the green represent Microsoft for both Xbox one and 360. right next to it blue for Sony PlayStation family and lastly the white for Nintendo products. each wall has games ,controllers, and cams and for every one of them a TV where any one can grab the controller and try out different games.for ever ship there is a captain also known as the store manger standing behind the wheel giving answers for the shoppers. one the is distinctive about game stop is the sliver color TV in the upper right corner or left in different game stop but it in every one around the country.
Growing up in late 80s video games was not a part of life but few years into the 90s i have started playing them but to some sort of limited time .back then video games were simple all around in terms of graphics and concept but all that have changed when the Sony PlayStation have reached the market and me ending up getting one all of that have set sail for a journey of playing video games which started back with PS1 all the way to PS4 .
Finishing up high school in Saudi Arabia and moving to US for higher education have introduced me to gamestop.
I haven't herd of the store before in my life and one day I was shopping in a mall and came across one store that have got my attention as being a person who loves electronics in general so have got closer to it not knowing what is exactly at first thought it was electronic store with wide selections of cellphones.For every single step that I have walked got me hoked with that name and looking for it whenever I change cities.
it's important to realize that i'm not the only one who show up at gamestop or even stand in a line waiting for a game there is more to it. I think competition between video games studios and publishers has set the wheel in motion that got millions hoked to Gamestop.
An industry that grown rapidly in size and revenue and became hard to ignore as part of entertainments it seemed like wild fair where started small with some dry grass to be so gigantic that every one noticed that wild fair which is the gaming industry. studios around the world have started to grow bigger in number and in size creating games to be sold in market and reached by consumers.

Additionally you would think being in a close proximity to school area that would shoot the number of customers higher. At first I thought the locations of gamstop near bloomsburg will be effaced generally by the number of students during school time and and after but instead it surprised me the store get even busier when less students are around. I found about that after i had conversation with the manger of the store he said "the location of the store is weird we got busy over the summer when the are no students around".
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