You know that one person, who after you meet them you see that the world is better because they live in it? They just give off an atmosphere that makes feel better about yourself and better about how the whole day looks. Ever feel like today falls under the worst day of your life category, ready to quit everything? After one conversation with this one person you realize its not as bad as everything
seemed. A complete stranger, or your very best friend. Maybe the woman who puts the produce away at your grocery store or your best friends mom. Some describe it as rare to find many of these types of people, so when you meet one it you've encountered truly a great person.
Michelle Riegel, a woman who: lives in West Chester, Pa, celebrated 50 years on this earth and happily married for the past 25 years. She owns a boat and a bay house in Sea Isle City, NJ. A woman of many talents, she learned ho to juggle, drive a boat, open water bottles without a struggle, pick up a basketball with one hand and so many other things. She graduated from York College of Pa with a bachelor degree of Phycology. Right now she works as the proud business owner of her company called Riegel Resources. The type of work her company performs mainly consists of landscaping, along with: power-washing, snow removal, and hauling Tri-axle dump trucks full of dirt. Because she successfully developed a woman owned business she falls into the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program. The program exists to ensure that small disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) can compete fairly with other contractors. Along with owning her own business she also works for a company called Edens Corporation. She takes care the books there. She used a system called Quickbooks: a computer system that helps a lot with keeping track of all money that goes in and out of the Corporation. She also acquired the title of a Massage Therapist. She massages more like a hobby then a job she only keeps a few clients that she sees maybe every other week. Safe to say she appears as a very busy woman.

Her morning starts with the load, most displeasing screeching sound imaginable. She hits the snooze on her alarm 3 or 4 times. Then she sits up sleepily in her white plush king sized bed. Her husband, gone since 6:00 am, so his side of the bed feels empty though the shape of his body is imprinted on his side. The scrapping noise of nails on hardwood floors opens her eyes up. Her two dogs, an over weight black pug, with legs to small for her body and a tan and white French Bulldog that likes to jump up on her to early in the morning, come running in to the bed room. They lick at her feet and start to bark getting excited. She ignores them as she slowly and drowsily stands and walks to the bathroom, shutting them out. They wait patiently for her to emerge one again. By the time she comes out the cat, who just like the Pug is over weight, is sitting on the bed. All looking up at her, she heads out of her bedroom and towards the kitchen and they all follow her. She goes straight to the coffee maker and turns it on heating the water. She then goes to her toaster across the counter. She puts 2 pieces in, then goes back to the coffee maker to put the coffee ground in the machine. The bing of the toaster goes off and she walks back over. She pulls one piece of toast out and butters it slightly. She rips it in 3 pieces, taking one of the pieces and ripping it in to smaller pieces. She bends down to find her
cat sitting in between her feet and gives her the smaller pieces of toast. Then she turns around and looks at the two dogs sitting behind her, watching her. she gives each one a piece and then takes the last piece of toast and eats it her self. She takes her coffee and heads back to her room to take her shower. Once she is all done and dressed she goes back into green bathroom and blow dries her short layered brown hair. Once it is completely dry she picks up her purple bottle of mousse and squirts it in to her hand. It looks like white marshmallow and smells like hair product. She rubs it around in her hair until she acquired her desired mount of volume. Then she starts on her makeup routine. She first cleans her face with a cleansing wipe and then puts on lotions after lotions. Each one attains their own purpose. One keeps her eyes from getting puffy, one makes her wrinkles go away, another prevents her makeup from effecting her skin badly. After she is done moisturizing and lotioning then she puts her actual makeup on. She a simple woman just plain black eyeliner and mascara. If she hasn't already finished her coffee then she takes the last few sips. She walks out of the bathroom leaving the light on and heads back out to her kitchen. She makes another cup of coffee but this time she puts in in a to go mug. She walks around her house making sure she collected all her things, all the while she talks to her mother on her cell phone. She makes sure the cat and dogs are within the kitchen before she locks a gate preventing them from getting into the living room while no one is at the house. She slings her purse and briefcase over her shoulder and walks out her her mud room making sure to turn off the lights before she locks and closes the door. She sits in her grey Jeep Grand Cherokee and turns it on. She sits in her driveway for a while while she warms up and gets her bluetooth set up so she avoids hanging up on her mother while she drives. Finally she pulls out and carefully drives out of her neighborhood.
"Sensible, smart, caring, friendly, intuitive, admirable...those are the words i would use to describe my Aunt Michelle" her nephew said when asked to describe her. "She always care about what you are doing in life. Even if it is the smallest thing. She always remembers everything you tell her. And she always gives the best advice. When I didn't know if i wanted to go college or not she helped by showing me online what different options I could look at." When her family describes Michelle, only the greatest compliments emerge . They all adore her. "Michelle has been my friend since elementary school. She has been there with me through all the up and downs of life. From not knowing how to tell my mom I got detention for chewing gum in class to being my maid of honor at my wedding. She is one of my daughters God mother, and she is still the person I go to first when i need a shoulder to lean on. She is one of those friends that will be there for life and you never want to loose her." Her husband described her by saying "She's a little crazy, And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone. She gets spastic and can be stubborn..but she is also is the type of person who when her uncle needed a new water heater went and bought him one even though she new he couldn't pay her back. She takes him to his doctors appointments when his own daughters wont. She is forgiving and will do anything to help her family."

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