What is a protest?
Have you ever felt like there was an injustice or lack of fairness in your life? There's a way to change this and it is through protest. Protest is a statement or action that expresses disapproval about an idea, law, or rule and can be performed by yourself or with other people (1).
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The Cookie Monster needs cookies! (3)
No more cookies
One day on Sesame Street the town mayor made a decision to ban cookies from everybody. Once the Cookie Monster heard the news he was heart-broken; Elmo and all of the other Muppets heard the news as well and they weren't happy either. The mayors decision to ban cookies was unfair and the only reason he had for banning cookies was because... he didn't like cookies.Sesame Street is Losing Hope
The Cookie Monster lost all hope and started looking for an alternative substance to replace his cookie addiction; unfortunately, days went by and he couldn't find an alternative and he was on the verge of a melt down. His friends Elmo, Big Bird and Ernie saw that he was in a lot of pain and struggling to survive without cookies so they wanted to help.What will they do?!
Elmo came up with an idea to ask the mayor to change the law of banned cookies. However when the Muppets went to the mayors office he was busy and rudely told them to leave; they were furious and they knew something needed to change. Big Bird then mentioned the idea of a protest and explained to Elmo and Ernie what a protest was and how it works. Elmo and Ernie instantly loved the idea of protesting; Big Bird, Elmo and Ernie were determined to get cookies back in there town for their friend, the Cookie Monster, through protesting!
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Picket signs that Elmo, Big Bird and
Ernie made. (2)
The Preparation of the Protest on Sesame Street
Elmo and Big Bird spread the word that there was going to be a protest in front of the town hall. Their plan is to gather as many supporters as possible to help support their protest. The word spread and eventually the protest was the new talk of the town. While the word was being spread town about the protest Elmo, Big Bird and Ernie were preparing microphones and making picket signs for people to use at the protest. Ernie suggested that they should come up with a slogan for the protest for people to chant and for awhile the three of them brainstormed until Big Bird came up with an idea for a slogan, "We want cookies and we want them now!". It was short, sweet and to the point which is the best way to get your point across during a protest. Elmo, Big Bird and Ernie did a lot of preparation for the protest and now they were ready to put in all in action!
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Sesame Street was packed the day of the protest. (4)
The Start of the Protest on Sesame Street
It was almost time for the protest to begin and hundreds of Muppets were lined out front of the mayors office in front of the town hall. Even the Cookie Monster was there! He was amazed that his friends would do this for him and he was right beside them protesting along with them. Elmo, Big Bird, and Ernie lead the protest by starting their slogan chant, "We want cookies and we want them now!" and everyone followed their lead. The Muppets were chanting and waving their picket signs back-and-forth; Elmo and Big Bird thought that things were going great but then things took a turn for the worst.Violence on Sesame Street
The protest started out peaceful but the Cookie Monster has not had a cookie in days and he was a little on edge. The Cookie Monster and Ernie started to argue about whose sign was whose which led to other Muppets arguing as well. This caused chaos within the protest and what used to be a peaceful protest was now turning into a violent protest. the Muppets started to fight amongst each other; throwing pickets signs into windows and at each other. The town hall security had to come and stop the violent protest and they did so by arresting aggressive Muppets. Elmo, Big Bird and Ernie needed to stop the violence if their protest was going to be successful.Elmo and the guys saves the Day
In order to stop the violence Elmo needed to get the attention of the protestors so he went to the top of the steps and screamed "STOP" at the top of his lungs through a microphone. Suddenly all of the chaos stopped and the violent protestors were listening. Elmo explained to them that violent protest is not going to get them what they want; if they want to have a successful protest then they need to do it in a calm and safe way, also known as a peaceful protest. The violent protest was clearly unsuccessful and the Muppets knew that so the group of protestors agreed to stay peaceful throughout the rest of the protest in order to get cookies back for their friend, the Cookie Monster. After hours of peaceful protesting the mayor was fed up with people standing outside of his office. He walked outside to the protestors and despitefully started throwing cookies at them. The crowd of protestors started to cheer, a cheer of joy while the mayor yelled "The cookies are all yours. Now leave my office, NOW!".The Cookie Monster Eats again! YAY!
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The Cookie Monster loves eating cookies. (3)
Quezzaire, P., & Flynn. (2015). Violent Protest: An Overview. Points Of View: Violent Protest, 1.
- Picket sign [Illustration]. (2011). Retrieved from the polyvore website: http://www.polyvore.com/blank_picket_sign/thing?id=49423568
- Cookie Monster [Illustration]. (2014). Retrieved from the dragon art website: http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/5504/1/1/how-to-draw-cookie-monster.html
- Sesame Street [Illustration]. (2014). Retrieved from the kidding around website: http://kidding-around.blogspot.com/2009/12/happy-birthday-sesame-street.html
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